Home • Coaching


Coaching consists of intensive self-knowledge and practical steps that lead to the fulfillment of goals. Supported by neuroscience practices, I create ideal conditions for you to organize your own thoughts and visions and to think of a plan, but also to cultivate new habits and fulfill your potential.

I often help people cut big bites into digestible pieces, both in terms of professional and personal growth, as well as in relationships, health, or leisure.
  • The transformation level enables the building of lasting positive changes through deep self-knowledge, intensive longer-term work on patterns of behavior, and development of knowledge and skills.


  • We choose a transactional approach if you need to make a one-time decision, resolve a specific ad hoc situation, prepare for a speech, schedule a task, or get feedback.

Are you tempted to organize your thoughts and start

systematically changing your life for the better?

At the trial session, we will agree on a specific form of cooperation, which may look like this:

Coaching series (3-6 months)

We will work in an extensive comprehensive transformation series. We will see each other once every week or two. At the beginning, we will set measurable goals in key areas for you, which you then…

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Individual coaching sessions

We willmeet at a satisfactoryfrequency in one-off sessions, which we willuse according to your currentneeds. The goal is primarily to think well and planshorter-term…

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Corporate coaching

We will first clarify the topics and expected results with the coached client and his/her superior. In individual sessions and in a confidential atmosphere, we will…

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My role

  • I control the direction of the session and regulate the difficulty
  • I create an intimate and friendly atmosphere for thinking
  • I offer strategies, exercises, analogies, and metaphors
  • I provide a mirror for your reflection and give feedback
  • If you run out of ideas, I offer inspiration from my coaching practice

Your role

  • You believe that things can be better, but just don’t know where to start
  • You want to work on yourself between sessions
  • You are actively looking for functional ways to achieve lasting change
  • You know yourself in depth and are willing to admit mistakes
  • You correct the depth and scope of the topics covered

My coaching approach

I lend a helping hand,

help you look in the mirror,

and provide motivation

for change.

I offer support and listen between the lines

I will guide you through proven procedures and strategies for achieving your goals,

adapted to your needs and mood.

I use the knowledge of neuroscience

I will teach you simple techniques for getting rid of dysfunctional, often harmful habits,

and show you how you can change your thinking and actions for your own benefit.

 I work creativitely

I like to use metaphors, visualizations, and movement techniques

to connect artistic passion with the rational world of business.


What my clients say about me

Reference 3

“Na sedenie prináša obrovskú energiu a empatiu, ktorá ma aj v ťažkých týždňoch nakopla a motivovala.”

Martin M.

People manager & Neuro-based Coach

“Vřelý, pozitivní a přitom profesionální přístup mi pomohl zanalyzovat si myšlenky, upřesnit své hodnoty a cíle.”

Jíťa J.

Business Specialist

“Alice na setkání s klienty vytváří příjemnou a tvůrčí atmosféru. Dokáže věnovat plnou pozornost jednotlivci i celé skupině.”

Martin H.

Consultant & Owner of CHANGELS plus

“Laskavě ale neúprosně mě dovedla k tomu, abych vzala svůj život více do svých rukou. Naučila mě o věcech přemýšlet a nacházet cesty.”

Žofka L.

Projektová manažerka v neziskovém sektoru

Let’s find out together

how I can help you

Would you like to make

an appointment?

Write me

© Alice Budová 2022

